Enjoy CBD

Cannabidiol: succeeding where conventional medicine fails?

14 July 2021

Cannabidiol: succeeding where conventional medicine fails? Many people are turning to Cannabidiol or CBD to help alleviate a variety of symptoms.

Where conventional medicine may be lacking, Cannabidiol (CBD oil) may help, however, its use remains somewhat controversial. Despite growing scientific support for the compound, drug trials investigating numerous possible uses for CBD are ongoing, but at this point in time are inconclusive…

Although the endocannabinoid system (ECS) has been around for thousands of years, scientists only discovered it in the ’80s. The Endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating sleeping and waking cycles, but also mood, anxiety and stress metabolism. You can also include in this, inflammation and pain.  It’s an important system playing an integral part in the regulation, maintenance and balancing of your health.  It is in our immune system and nervous system, in fact every organ….

Endocannabinoids are naturally found in the body, but others are found in plants like hemp or cannabis which are called phytocannabinoids.  These cannabinoids bind to the receptor site including CB1 and CB2.  When they bind they release neurotransmitters which communicate with glands, cells, organs and tissue which is important in maintaining optimum health.

As part of your daily ‘wellness’ routine, the use of Cannabidiol (CBD oil) may offer some relief from chronic joint and muscle pain, just as Ginger root is also well known for its anti inflammatory properties, being loaded with antioxidants and cannabinoids.

Cannabidiol (CBD oil) does not contain any THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the psychoactive content of the marijuana plant.  Cannabidiol is produced from the Cannabis Sativa plant which is a cousin of the marijuana plant (Indica), more commonly known as cannabis.  Cannabidiol (CBD) is not psychoactive which means it doesn’t give you a ‘high’ and no negative effects have been documented i.e. you can’t overdose on CBD!  Hemp seed oil, olive oil or coconut oil are often used as carrier oils for CBD and as these oils are processed to a very high standard this method improves the efficiency of the delivery of the CBD to your body, thus improving your health faster.

Enjoy CBD are not diagnosticians and don’t have any medical background, so we are not in a position to give advice about symptoms, existing ailments or prescriptions.  What we can do, however, is give advice on how taking CBD, as part of your daily health conscious routine, can help bring your body into homeostasis which basically means bringing the body into balance. One example of homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain an average temperature of 98.6 degrees.  Homeostasis is essential for the normal function of all cells in the body and if it cannot be maintained then the body cannot function properly and we are likely to feel unwell…

Cannabidiol: succeeding where conventional medicine fails?

As part of a balanced diet it must be also worth taking routine exercise and a daily dose of calm (CBD), versus ‘pain killers’ and ‘opioids’, which are sometimes so addictive… Cannabidiol: succeeding where conventional medicine fails?

Enjoy CBD are at the forefront of bringing only the highest grade Cannabidiol to our customers in the UK.

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